Available Positions
Park Lab is deeply committed to promoting diversity and equity in fostering next-generation scientists.
Please read the directions carefully for your contact. Emails will be filtered by keywords.

not recruiting at the moment
Undergraduate Researchers
Undergraduate students who are excited to apply textbook knowledge to real-world problems are encouraged to inquire about opportunities in the Park Lab. Please send Jihye an email with a copy of the transcript and a brief statement of your interest in joining our group. Priority will be given to students who are interested in eventually applying to graduate programs or can commit to multiple semesters of research. Please use "Undergraduate Research Opportunity" as the title of your email.

currently recruiting
Graduate Researchers
Interested incoming graduate students should know that one must be accepted by any programs at CU in order to be considered for joining our lab. For any contact after the acceptance to a CU program, please use "Incoming Graduate Student" as the title of your email. Details of the CHEM application process can be found in the link here. The students in our group are typically from the Materials & Nanoscience or Organic Division in Chemistry Program.

accepting applications
Postdoctoral Researchers
Electrochemists with synthetic backgrounds are welcome to inquire about a postdoc position. Please email Jihye an application packet containing your CV, a cover letter summarizing past research & relevant interests/skills for our research, and a list of 2-3 professional references with their contact information. Please use "Postdoc Application" as the title of your email. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. You may find this article helpful.
Contact Us
Thanks for your interest in our research. Get in touch with us for any comments or questions regarding our work and available positions. We’d love to hear from you!
University of Colorado at Boulder
Ekeley Sciences M381
Boulder, CO 80309